Tuesday 1 January 2019

How Google Maps Work? Tech behind Google Maps Explained !!

Google Maps is one of the best inventions that has happened till date in terms of mapping and navigation , as we all rely on maps whether we need any information about the routes , traffic. So let’s discuss the aspects how Google Maps work ?

Google Map gives you near real time traffic updates.

Google map will use your data that is the path, distance, time to tell near real time traffic.

When Android phone users turn on their Google Maps app with GPS location enabled, the phone sends back bits of data, anonymously, to Google that let the company know how fast their cars are moving.

Google Maps continuously combines the data coming in from all the cars on the road and sends it back by way of those colored lines on the traffic layers
As more and more drivers use the app, the traffic predictions become more reliable because Google Maps can look at the average speed of cars traveling along the same route.

If Google Maps doesn't have enough data to estimate the traffic flow for a particular section of road, that section will appear in gray on the traffic layer
Also with its acquisition of Waze in 2013 , Google added a human element and drivers started contributing about the slowdowns , speed traps etc which in result made certain points on Google Maps , with small icons representing a dash .

So in the end , Google Maps has made our life a lot simpler and easy going , so to make it more easy you also contribute to the Google maps so that the accuracy can be enhanced and you get the benefit out of that.

Now where does it gets the data ??? Google has certain partners by the help of which it maintains the database of Google . Since it has to be real time so it is very important to cross verify that data and then get it published . Google This is collect information from different sources. Many different type agencies add the information in google and it helps to put the base maps up to date. If you want to collect more of information on Google Scraper, then you will have to need to contact the technical support team of Google.

Google maps collects data from the following sources:

Map partners: Google have partnership with comprehensive and authoritative data sources with the help of Base map partner program. Large number of agencies submit data to Google. This data helps to keep the base map up-to-date.

Street view: Based on the GPS coordinates of vehicles Google cover the surface it’s street view images. Google can read things like road signs, traffic signs.

These additional reads are processed and turned into navigational and directional data that Maps can incorporate into its database. If a road’s name has changed since the last time it was photographed, a more recent Street View photo will detect this. This is also (partly) how Google has built its huge database of local business details.

Satellites: Google map also add satellite view with the collaboration with Google earth. It help to take high resolution photographs of the planet.
Location services: Google access the location data collected by your smartphone. This data can be useful in real time traffic updates, estimated current traffic speeds.

Google Map makers: it is an another way which allow anyone to contribute their local knowledge top google maps. Users can edit google’s map with their contribution. You can add, edit places, new roads in Google Map makers.

What Is The Importance Of A Scale In A Google Map?

Mapping is the real fascination of human and humanity since the dawn of history. Over the course of time human has tried to develop different sort of map and mapping solution with exact precision. With the advancement of technology nothing come closer to exact precision like google map.

About Google Map : Google map is a web based mapping platform which allow user to have satellite imagery, 360 panoramic view, real time traffic conditions. It's only digital platform which enables user to have detail information about the overlay terrain information which on never find on the normal map. So If you are a google map user then one must have experience the advantages it offers compared to other mapping platform. Google map was created to allow user to search any location on earth with much ease.

How To Measure Google Map On Scale?

Scaling in mapping is a crucial for getting the accurate precision. In google maps 1 km ruler shows at the bottom left of the map which is 90 pixel in length at zoom level 13. Which means the following that assuming the screen resolution is 96 dpi or 36 dpcm at zoom level13 we have 0.4 km ( from 36/90 ) in 1 cm which yields map scale of 1 : 40000 for a 96 dpi screen. One can call at google technical to understand the detail technicalities and importance of scaling in google map. But here are the common advantages of scale in google map :

Google map scaling allow individual to locate the particular address with more precision as well as 360 degree ultra precision helps user to find the exact distance in kilometers.

Google map scaling allows user to have an knowledge about the exact topography of an landmass and whether the terrain is plain, hills or distance form sea level.

When There’s a Mistake on Google Maps

Every day, masses of changes are made to Google Maps. Some of these may be the addition of new places and new roads while other changes may involve fixing mistakes.

Many of these are fixed by chance by members of the public: editing place descriptions, adding roads, and so on. Yet on top of this, Google has a large team of people working through the thousands of reports that are filed to Google each day.

A good chunk of these reports are reviewed and acted on manually. This is done using Atlas, Google’s own map-editing program. New routes are drawn by hand, roads are connected, new buildings mapped out, etc.

This is a project that will never end. With thousands of new roads being built each day and cities changing traffic rules when necessary, Google Maps will always be fighting a battle to stay accurate

How does Google Maps predict traffic?

Data from these sensors can be used to provide real-time traffic updates, and, once collected, the information becomes part of the pool of historical data used to predict traffic volume on future dates. However, sensor data was largely limited to highways and primary roads because the sensors were typically installed only on the most heavily traveled or traffic-prone routes.

Beginning in 2009, Google turned to crowdsourcing to improve the accuracy of its traffic predictions. When Android phone users turn on their Google Maps app with GPS location enabled, the phone sends back bits of data, anonymously, to Google that let the company know how fast their cars are moving. Google Maps continuously combines the data coming in from all the cars on the road and sends it back by way of those colored lines on the traffic layers.

As more and more drivers use the app, the traffic predictions become more reliable because Google Maps can look at the average speed of cars traveling along the same route without misinterpreting someone's morning coffee stop as a traffic jam. If Google Maps doesn't have enough data to estimate the traffic flow for a particular section of road, that section will appear in gray on the traffic layer.

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