Sunday 10 February 2019

Twitter Tools For More Traffic-Tweet Adder Review

If you have a blog or a regular website, then you may already know about the long list of Twitter tools that are available to you to use. If you don’t and have never even thought about using Twitter tools for traffic, and if you have never really thought about implementing these tools into your strategy, then let me tell you why you need to.

Twitter Tools

First of all, let me open your eyes to the power of Twitter. According to Wikipedia Twitter Stats, Twitter has 140 million users every day, with an astounding 340 million updates tweeted out daily!
It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that this is a lot of people logging on to this platform! However, I do cover this in my free ebook, Boost Your Social Media Traffic Overnight. That said, you can benefit from the traffic on Twitter by using certain Twitter tools that are out there.
Let me explain ...

Picking The Right Twitter Tools To Use

As I said before, there are literally hundreds of Twitter tools that you can use. But how can you know which ones are the best? Which one’s charge you a fee to use, and which ones are free? There are many questions that you should use to be very picky about the process because this is your website traffic we are talking about, and it makes a difference!
I have literally used every Twitter tool out there! I feel that I can make an educated opinion about which one is the best, and there is one because I have tried them all!
Number one, forget everything else and focus your attention to something called a “dashboard”. This is basically a tool that you can use for Twitter on another site. These dashboards arrange your updates in a scheduled order that allows you to automate your tweets. In other words, you just “set and forget”. This is nice, because it allows you to stay “connected” to one of the biggest micro-blogging sites on the internet 24/7, and it frees up your time to do other things related to the promotion of your site or blog.
Picking the right Twitter tools to use is very important, and, as I said before, there are plenty to choose from. However, in my honest opinion, it only came down to 2 dashboards, and Tweet Adder beat out the other one by a long shot!
What was the difference between these top two Twitter tools? The price, no challenge whatsoever! Here is what they both had going for them:
  • Easy To Use Interface- This is probably one of the most important things for me!  I want to start getting my tweets out fast, and if I can’t figure out what goes where when I first start using it, it’s kind of a deal-breaker for me.  Both had easy-to-use programs.
  • URL Shortener- Hey, a Twitter dashboard is not a Twitter dashboard without a URL shortener.  Why? Because that’s the whole point of using Twitter!  If you have purchased a Twitter dashboard, and then you find out there is no URL shortener integrated into it, it’s very disappointing!  No one wants to go off-site to get their URL’s tweaked!  They both had this.
  • Great Search Integration- They both take notice of keyword integration, hashtags, and update optimization features.  This is how you are going to get your URL in front of more potential visitors.
  • Statistics- Learn who among you has the most followers, also find out who has the best tweets as far as traffic goes, and learn to copy what they do!
  • Automation Integration- Automated following features, follow the person who follows you, special “Black List” to not follow certain people, and a whole lot more automated features to do with following, unfollowing, sending direct messages to your followers…really a lot of stuff!
I just basically stopped, because, between the two, both of the Twitter tools are great!  But when it comes down to the nitty-gritty, it’s all about the price!  I don’t care if you’re a millionaire, if you can save a buck or two, you would definitely do it!
Between the two, one offered these services for a tremendous $32 per month! This goes without saying! Hey, if you can get thousands of people to your site using this tool, then $32 per month is nothing! However, if you compare this to Tweet Adder, which is a flat fee of $55 to use it for the rest of your life and get the same benefits, then you would start to wonder why people actually pay $32 per month!

My Personal Results From Tweet Adder

Organic traffic is hard to get. I recently just started getting 200 unique visitors to this site organically. However, on the flip side of this coin, I receive over 5,500 visits per month from Twitter alone!
UPDATE: My traffic from Twitter has brought an astounding number per month since I have been using this for the past 5 months!  It has brought my blog a Top Ten Social Media Blog Nomination by keeping my posts visible to the public and my traffic has grown to over 30K visitors per month just by using this product!
Try TweetAdder For FREE! Go ahead…no credit card needed! build your blog like I did!
This is the best part about using Twitter tools like Tweet Adder, you don’t have to wait for your site to rank up in the search engines to be successful!
The best part about this whole thing is, they allow you to try it for free before you pay!  Believe me, no one else does this! If you are looking for Twitter tools to get extra traffic then you should consider this awesome product for social media marketing!
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